Online-work­shop with Live-OPs

Auto­ge­nous Tooth Roots for Loca­lized Alveolar Ridge Augmentation

November 20th, 2020 online from Frankfurt/Main
16:00 p.m. – 20:00 p.m.

Take your chance and join a team of top-class-sur­geons pre­sen­ting a revo­lu­tio­nary tech­nique for alveolar ridge aug­men­ta­tion as pre­sented at Euro­perio 9 in Amsterdam.

Join us

Pre­cli­nical and cli­nical data pro­vide clear evi­dence, that tooth roots reveal a struc­tural and bio­lo­gical poten­tial to serve as alter­na­tive auto­grafts for loca­lized ridge aug­men­ta­tion. In fact, dentin has a similar anor­ganic and organic com­po­si­tion as bone, fea­tures osteo­con­duc­tive as well as osteo­in­duc­tive pro­per­ties and also gets involved in the bone remo­de­ling process.

This com­pre­hen­sive online-work­shop with live-videos and dis­cus­sions will elu­ci­date this new bio­lo­gical con­cept and focus on asso­ciated sur­gical pro­ce­dures for cur­rent cli­nical applications.

We would be very happy to wel­come you!

Prof. Dr. Frank Schwarz

Prof. Dr. Dr. mult. Robert Sader


16:00 – 16:15 Wel­come and Introduction

16:15 – 17:00 Bio­lo­gical Back­ground and Pre­cli­nical Evidence

17:00 – 17:45 Cli­nical Evi­dence and Pre­sen­ta­tion of the Sur­gical Pro­ce­dure (Step-by-step)

17:45 – 18:00 Q&A-Session

18:00 – 18:30 Break

18:30 – 19:30 Live Sur­ge­ries – Lateral and Ver­tical Alveolar Ridge Aug­men­ta­tion Pro­ce­dures (Pre-recorded surgeries)

19:30 – 20:00 Case Pre­sen­ta­tions and Discussion

20:00 End


Cer­ti­fi­cate of the Ger­many Asso­cia­tion of Oral Implan­to­logy (DGI)


Online-Stream from the Depart­ment of Oral Sur­gery and Implan­to­logy, Caro­linum, Goethe Uni­ver­sity Frankfurt/Main, Germany


Prof. Dr. Frank Schwarz
Pro­fessor and Head of the Depart­ment of Oral Sur­gery and Implan­to­logy, Centre for Den­ti­stry and Oral Medi­cine (Caro­linum), Johann Wolf­gang Goethe-Uni­ver­sity Frankfurt/Main, Germany

Prof. Dr. Dr. mult. Robert Sader
Director, Clinic for Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery,
Director Centre for Den­ti­stry and Oral Medi­cine (Caro­linum), Johann Wolf­gang Goethe-Uni­ver­sity Frankfurt/Main, Germany


November 20th, 2020


16:00 pm – 20:00 pm




390 EUR* mem­bers of DGI
450 EUR* non-members
*excl. VAT.


Par­ti­ci­pants will receive a per­sonal access code


Book your place